Friday, August 15, 2008

八月十五日 - 晴

昨天睡得非常差,原因是与某人有了一个非常讨论会。很多过去的画面不停的在脑中飞逝,难以入眠。我不停的问自己,“我还活在过去吗?”,“我已习惯了吗?”,“我有错吗?”, “我在责备自己吗?”,“我准备好了吗?”,“我怎么了?”


Had a VERY SERIOUS discussion with the special one today,ended up with a no-goodnight-sleep. Mind was flying backward and forward in time. Lots of memory showed up in my mind, couldn't fall sleep at all. Keep asking myself, "Am I still live in the past?", "Am I too used to it?", "Am I wrong?", "AM I blaming myself?", "Am I ready for it?", "What's wrong with me?"

Eventually, I crawled out from my bed, on my PC, login YouTube and watched the video below....


Bernard said...

oh you discuss when 七月十四

Cutiez said...

嗯...看来那个某人和以前的某人有关联呵??其实我们又何必那么在意过去勒??人的记忆本来就是用来存档我们的过去..如果没有了过去的记忆哪又有回忆可言??再说如果是刻意的改变自己是为了让他人认同你..那么那个刻意的你是不是还是你自己勒!!!!!善哉善战!!!!讲太多了!!!!! 哈哈哈... 

Jacob Johari said...
