I myself do believe the existing of LOFUP. Not because I have any 3rd encounter, but don't know why, I just believe it. I am not going to provide you any evidences or have any debates with those who do not believe, as this is a very subjective topic.
You might heard this word many times - 3rd encounter, but do you really know why it is called 3rd but not 1st or 2nd? Actually, we do have 1st and 2nd encounter, pls see below for the brief details:
1st Encounter - Sighting of a UFO
2nd Encounter - Physical Evidence like burn mark on the land or trees by UFO
3rd Encounter - Physical Contact with an Alien. e.g. Touch, talk, or kidnap by Alien.
I am sure one of you asked this question before - Why do we always see LOFUP having greater technology , more civilize and much more powerful than living object on Planet Earth?
My answer is - If they can travel millions or billions of light-years to Planet Earth, and we know nuts of what kind or 'fuel" and mechanism they are using to travel so far, where the furthest we able to reached (carrying living object) is just Luna - Earth's only natural satellite. So, what do you think? Who is having the greater technology? Anyway, I am sure there is LOFUP that not as great as us, some even worst than us, like what we were thousands year ago. But we wouldn't know the existing of them until the day we become the LOFUP to them.
There were so called scientist said :"It is impossible to have living object in another planet, because for a planet to produce life like Earth, it needs thousands of factors. Air, water, temperature, type of gasses in the air and the portion of each type of gasses, the distance of this planet from its Sun, the right gravity, etc etc etc etc etc etc.....any one of these factors doesn't meet the requirement, even in a very tiny difference will caused no life on the planet...and it has a very super super super low possibility to have all these requirements met."
My question is :"Why must the living objects on another planet need to meet Earth's living objects' requirement? Couldn't there be a kind of life that do not need Oxygen to survive, they can even die in Oxygen? Couldn't there be a kind of life that scare of Sunshine? Couldn't there be a kind of life that do not eat or breath, what they need to survive is just some kind of energy where only found in their planet? Couldn't there be a kind of life that totally the opposite of us, which do not need what ever we need but need what ever we do not need?"
Why an Alien must have eyes, ears, nose, mouth, leg, hand and head? Can an Alien looks like nothing we ever seen? Can an Alien become very small? Small until non of the microscope on Earth can see them? Or can an Alien looks just like you and me? They live next door to you or was in the same evalator with you but you wouldn't until they tell you.
Ok...I can continue with this kind of question forever. What I need to stress here is, please think out of the box, open up your mind, why must you think according to your tiny planet? Where is your imagination?
Please do not come out with the word Impossible when you couldn't get the answer with the knowledge you have. You said, it is impossible to travel faster than light, it impossible to survive without water for a living object....These are only impossible for HUMAN. How do you know these might be as easy as 1 2 3 to LOFUP??
Here is one the famous UFO video, enjoy.....
Do You Believe?
Hmmm... do you believe in ghost? (haha, sorry out of topic)
I wouldn't say I believe or do not believe. I just am "not bothered". I guess I am a pretty realistic person. I normally believe after I see & experience things myself.
Even if aliens exist, but does not impact my life or people around that I care, I won't be bothered lor.
Did I answer your question ar? That means I not joining your association. Wakakakaka.....
Princess eileen - wakakakaka...."yao sing gakk"(cantonese)....I like it.....
If one day Mr. Alien comes find me, I will intro him to you, then u can join my association...my association needs ppl like you....pretty and "yao sing sakk"
Wakaka... thanks thanks... :P
If one day I really get to see Mr. Alien I will forcefully ask Mr President Albert Yap to recruit me as a member, coz I be so freaking scare... Hide behind u like a little gal and all my "yao sing gakk" all throw into the toilet bowl & flush away. Hehehe....
So, u really gonna start an association ar? :P
hahahaha.....u really funny and cute.....
There are too many this kind of association or club out there...just google UFO and u will find hundreds....
by the way, need how much to start this association ah?? Meanwhile, I am broke...Damn Broke!!!!!
Broke?!?!? Sob, there goes my ride for either honda or mitsubishi....
Aiya, we recruit members and ask them to pay, and we use the money to set up association. Wakakakaa
brother... y talk so much bout UFO? tell us more bout ur gf lar pls... plsssss.... plssssssssss
Princess - hehehe...good idea....then I better start recruiting so that I can get my Civic back ASAP....wahahahaha....
Michael - I am not gonna reply you comment..... :P
wah lau yeah.... you need to recruit a lot of ppl for your association. Or maybe just a few dumb rich morons. Wakakaka.....
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